Wednesday, September 7, 2011

New, New, New!

I don't really know why, but I've decided to create a project blog to show off some of the crafty and artsy things that go on around here (new thing number one).
I also now find myself the proud owner of a Yudu ( a home screen printing unit by Provo Craft) and I cannot stop dreaming of all the projects I want to do with it!  On the top of my list: personalized projects for my kids who both have unusual names and will never be able to find any of the cool little things in stores with their names on them (my fault, I know).  So that's new thing number two.
And, new thing number three is the project that I made with my Yudu.  Remember, this is my first time screen printing ever, so there are gonna be some imperfections! 
This was all set up on one screen.  Hibiscus are my favorite flower, so I made some girly, flowery stuff for Miss Charis and myself: a shirt and apron for me, and a onesie and burp cloths for her.  I thought they turned out pretty good, if I do say so myself!  (I also made a reusable shopping bag that didn't turn out so wonderful, and thus there are no pictures!  Good thing it's just gonna carry groceries!)